Czech Medical Acupuncture Society ČLS JEP
German Medical Acupuncture Society

16-17 June 2023
Prague, Hotel Panorama
Dr. med. dent. Oskar Mastalier who passed away July 10, 2022 at the age of 98 was a valuable and honored member of both our societies and had many personal friends in them. He was our most prominent teacher especially in auriculotherapy which he taught in many countries around the world, he wrote several books and participated in many international and our national congresses with his great lectures.
He will remain in our hearts for his calm nature, wisdom and also his admirable artistic inclinations.

At the suggestion of Prof. Dominik Ferdinand Irnich, President of the German Medical Acupuncture Society, our two societies agreed to hold a professional symposium in his honor.
On the part of the German colleagues, three outstanding experts will be lecturing, from our side, there will be colleagues who have prepared very interesting lectures in English and workshops in Czech and English.
We hope that this very special symposium with excellent lecturers, especially from abroad, will attract your attention and that you will support the symposium with your participation and come in memory of a precious person, Dr. med. dent. Oskar Mastalier.
On behalf of the CMAS Committee
Ladislav Fildán, MD
President of CMAS
16-17 June 2023
Prague, Hotel Panorama
Dr. med. dent. Oskar Mastalier who passed away July 10, 2022 at the age of 98 was a valuable and honored member of both our societies and had many personal friends in them. He was our most prominent teacher especially in auriculotherapy which he taught in many countries around the world, he wrote several books and participated in many international and our national congresses with his great lectures.
He will remain in our hearts for his calm nature, wisdom and also his admirable artistic inclinations.

At the suggestion of Prof. Dominik Ferdinand Irnich, President of the German Medical Acupuncture Society, our two societies agreed to hold a professional symposium in his honor.
On the part of the German colleagues, three outstanding experts will be lecturing, from our side, there will be colleagues who have prepared very interesting lectures in English and workshops in Czech and English.
We hope that this very special symposium with excellent lecturers, especially from abroad, will attract your attention and that you will support the symposium with your participation and come in memory of a precious person, Dr. med. dent. Oskar Mastalier.
On behalf of the CMAS Committee
Ladislav Fildán, MD
President of CMAS